2024 Annual Spring Race to Atlantique- Final Results:

The weather forecast continued to improve through the week and by Saturday we had decent conditions for our first race of the SBCC Regatta Season.


Winds: ENE at 13 kts

Sky: cloudy, air temps 55-60 degrees.

Overall: All systems GO.

Eric Winberry was race committee and for the first time in a long time we had 4 boats come out for our 12:00 pursuit start. I crewed for Todd & Pam on their beautiful Tartan 37- Bleu Moon as my own boat, Shadow was having some electrical work done. 

Everyone had a good start and it was a beam/broad reach from #1 buoy down the West Channel to the infamous "Crazy Charlie" (buoy #C1). From there it was an upwind tacking duel and Mo'Sun was the clear winner, pulling ahead of the rest of the fleet with some real magic. He got to the upwind mark first and was gone! Congrats to Lenny & the crew of Mo'Sun for a great 1st place finish!

The final results:

1st place- Mo'Sun 

2nd place- Pandemonium

3rd place- Aleboat

4th place- Bleu Moon  

Everyone joined the awards party at the dock for the afternoon including some of the cruisers from the Spring Family Weekend RV. Our thanks to Atlantique for accommodating the SBCC racers.