Bay Shore Spring Invitational #2 Race Results
May 29, 2018
Course #3
1. Full Circle - Harry Manko
2. Southern Accent - Jim Gathard
3. Pandemonium - Gary Sebouhian
4. Leviathan - Rick Simpson
5. Jolly Mon - Dennis Ahern
6. Aleboat II - Eric Winberry
7. Snoopy - Dave Deruvo
8. Integrity - Bob Figueroa
9. Fancy Nancy - Lenny Feldman
10. Indigo - David O'Donnell
11. Wind Dancer - Harry Phister
12. Watercolor - Christy Edwards
13. Sequester - Anthony Desimone
Tonight's Bay Shore Invitational Race had much better wind, weather conditions and participation than last week. The light turnout that we usually expect early in the season turned out to be a very pleasant surprise for the 13 boats that participated tonight.
Congratulations to Harry Manko sailing Full Circle to another first place finish which was a continuation of last season's winning record. Jim Gathard sailing Southern Accent is showing good speed this season and may prove to be a boat to watch. I see a Tartan big boat battle in the making.
The pre race activities began at Cook's boatyard when Lenny Feldman was getting Fancy Nancy's recently repaired outboard motor back on her motor mount. Gary Sebouhian, Anthony Desimone, Lenny and I maneuvered the outboard onto the motor mount while precariously balancing on a wobbly plank of wood that was spanning adjacent docks. Guess what happened next. Nope, we didn't drop the motor in the water but we did manage to drop a small bolt into the motor housing that was needed for the electrical connection for the electric start. We spent the next hour trying to fish it out of there. Suggestions on how to retrieve it were numerous. Gum on the end of a screw driver and claw like gripping fingers at the end of a flexible cable were no match for this out of sight bolt. It was wedged in a place that can only happen when you're working on a boat project. With a creative "Rube Goldberg" assembly of various vacuum cleaner parts, we were able to suck the bolt out of its hiding spot. It's also the story about how three different teams were determined to get lucky boat participant #13 out there racing tonight.
There were new skippers with old boats and previous skippers with new boats. Welcome Rick Simpson racing Leviathan for the first time with us and Dave Deruvo sailing his new Catalina 28-2 named Snoopy. Lady in Red is still on the hard but I was happy to be crewing on Harry Phister's boat, Wind Dancer. Wind Dancer and Snoopy are both Catalina 28-2's so this race was a one design match race for these two skippers. During the first two legs of the course Snoopy and Wind Dancer traded places a few times. The majority of the time there was only a boat length that separated them. The last two legs were a different story as Snoopy had better boat speed upwind and finished ahead of Wind Dancer. Nice race Dave.
It was a really fun evening, especially at the after race get together at Cook's Boatyard. From what I heard, the ribs were exceptional. Please save me one next time. All racers and crew members are welcome to join us after every Tuesday night race.
Thank you "Committee Boat" (I'm not sure who replaced the regularly scheduled person) We really appreciate you filling in and getting the results to us so quickly.
Ted Drossos - s/v Lady in Red 11047
Gary Sebouhian - s/v Pandemonium 2224