Bay Shore Tuesday September 11, 2018 Race Results…Cancelled
Participation Trophy's are awarded to the following boats - Fall Series Race#1
Aleboat11 - Winberry
Full Circle - Manko
Jolly Mon - Ahern
Maggie Lee - Christiansen
Merry Ann - Cook/Burns
Pandemonium - Sebouhian
Sugar Magnolia - Grover
Tortoise - Wheeler
Watercolor - Edwards
Pelagic - Gagliardi (Committee Boat)
Another beautiful night on the bay in Bay Shore. Nine boats showed up to race. The sky was clear, the water was flat and the "wind" was coming from..........who knows where the wind was coming from.......... there wasn't any wind. We all bobbed around in the vicinity of buoy #1 for a time and then decided to delay the start in the hope that the wind, any wind, might make an appearance. The forecast was for the wind to lighten, if that was even possible. When we noticed that Merry Ann was moving backwards under mainsail, that kinda told us that this was not going to be our night. We reluctantly cancelled the race.
Thank you to the nine boats that "braved the elements" to be out there competing and to the committee boat. We look forward to the 2nd race of the Fall Series next Tuesday September 18th.
Gary Sebouhian - s/v Pandemonium 2224
Ted Drossos - s/v Lady in Red 11047