Bay Shore Mid Summer Invitational #2

Race Results

July 24, 2018

Course #11 4.82 nm  Wind SSE 16-21

Race Committee: Christy Edwards

Pos Division Yacht Captain

1.       PHRF Merry Ann - Cook/Burns

2.       PHRF Lady in Red - Drossos

3.       PHRF Full Circle - Manko

4.       PHRF Jolly Mon - Ahern

5.       PHRF Pandemonium - Sebouhian

6.       PHRF Jubilee - Russo

7.       PHRF Indigo - O'Donnell 

8.       PHRF Integrity - Figueroa

9.       PHRF AleboatII - Winberry

10.     PHRF Fancy Nancy - Feldman


If you were following the extended weather forecast earlier this week, you would have thought tonight's race was going to be a storm-filled one. We were fortunate to be racing last night under clear skies and moderately breezy conditions. Go figure!


The course was, START, #10, #3, #4, FINISH. The first leg was a beat. Lady in Red was suppose to be the last boat starting but for some reason Indigo was behind us and hadn't started yet. She appeared to start more than 5 minutes late. I wish Indigo was running the Raceqs app tonight because it would have been really interesting to see how she would have finished if it weren't for her late start. My guess is that Indigo might have finished in fourth place. Indigo really seemed to enjoy tonight's conditions as she looked fast chasing down everyone who started well before her. Nice comeback!


While looking at the Raceqs track of Lady in Red, there is an interesting section of the last leg of the course that I'd like to share with you. Leading the fleet around the last mark (#4) of the course was Merry Ann followed by Full Circle then Lady in Red. This last leg to the finish was a broad reach. Full Circle was defending her position by gybing onto a starboard tack as Lady in Red began to pass to leward. The track of Lady in Red (the yellow and green squiggly line) shows the radical course changes that occurred as Full Circle and Lady in Red gybed numerous times during this three minute dance.

Lesson learned: Full Circle and Lady in Red lost 100 meters of separation to the lead boat Merry Ann. (who, by the way didn't need any help winning tonight) Congratulations to the winning Cook/Burns team aboard Merry Ann. Nicely done!

Thank you to those who are running the Raceqs app because it allows us to monitor the race after the fact. It's also a great way to help you analyze your race results to help you sail better in the future. In the above example, it was easy to analyze how much distance was lost between the lead boat and the second and third place boats during that three-minute segment of the race.

Quite a few comments were made regarding the recent handicap adjustments and how they seem to have tightened up the fleet tonight. That was the intent of the adjustments and we're glad to hear that you appreciate the changes.   

As usual, the post race get together was well attended. Although some of the racers and crew didn't race tonight, they would never miss this part of the evening. I heard more than a few people say "This is more fun than the races" and "I come for the ribs." Whatever your reason, please join us every Tuesday evening after the race at Long Island Yacht Sales.

We hope to see you all again next week.


Ted Drossos

s/v Lady in Red 11047


Gary Sebouhian

s/v Pandemonium 2224